Accessing Context/System (Application Root) properties in Spring

In the last post I talked about how to parameterize the applicationContext.xml with a properties file. But sometime we would like to access system/context properties in the applicationContext.xml (for example, you want to reference a file in your webapp, but the class only takes absolute path). The spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer class would do the work for you as well.

By default, the system property mode is set to use fall back (SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_MODE_FALLBACK), which means if a property is not in our properties file that we supply, the property will be filled with the one in the context/system.

One good use would be getting the application root and use it to reference a config file.

For example


(In reference to Spring documentation velocity properties chapter)

In order to use ${webapp.root} you will need to setup WebAppRootListener in web.xml


and assign it to a context param


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